Flower bombs, also known as seed balls, are the absolute easiest way to support biodiversity in your area. Learn how to make them, and color the surrounding landscape with us!
A flower bomb is nothing more than plant seeds enclosed in a ball of clay combined with compost. It grows into a small flower meadow, or garden bed made up of grasses, perennials and flowering annuals. It's a composition designed to mimic the natural establishment found in the ecosystem. It is largely made up of melliferous plants, making floral meadows an ideal environment for bees, butterflies, bumblebees and other pollinators. Meadows also provide shelter and food sources for many species of insects, small animals (e.g., rodents) and birds, and in cities, in addition, they are also migration corridors for hedgehogs, for example.
And why a bomb and not simple seeding? The soil supply contained in the bomb makes the seeds have a substrate for growth, and at the same time they are protected, for example, from being eaten by birds or rodents. For its growth, rain is enough to soften the clay casing and thus start the germination process. The ball form, on the other hand, makes it possible to sow seeds in hard-to-reach places, such as between tracks or behind wasteland fences, and thus make them more environmentally friendly. So, we invite you to roll up your sleeves and prepare flower bombs with us to color our surroundings! :)
Flower bomb - step-by-step instructions
To prepare a flower bomb you will need:
- Flower seeds. You can assemble them individually, according to your preference, or bet on a ready-made solution. We just happened to use this "ready-made" version: https://www.esklep.legutko.com.pl/nasiona/3375-bomby-kwietne-5903837930715.html
- Clay
- Compost (necessarily without peat!).
- Bowl. The bigger, the better, because it will be easier to mix :)
- Water
- Colorful socks and a good mood! Well, okay, socks are optional
All the ingredients are within your reach? Then let's get on with the preparation!
1. Start by mixing clay and compost. Stick to a ratio of roughly 50:50 (e.g. 300 g of clay and 300 g of compost).
2. Add a handful of seeds to the mixture of clay and compost, but not too many - if there are too many seeds in a small area, there is a risk that the plants will start to compete with each other.
3. Now it's time to add water, which will combine all the ingredients. Add enough water to give the mixture the right consistency to allow it to stick together.
4. Form walnut-sized balls and set them aside to dry. You can leave them in the sun or near a radiator to speed up the drying process.
5. Drop the bomb! Find a place poor in vegetation or one that could use some color, and throw! You can also bomb your balcony or garden.
In the end, all that's left to do is to watch our bomb turn into a natural and colorful meadow, which not only adds color to the surrounding space, but also (actually, above all!) makes it more friendly to bees and other pollinators
Once your meadow has grown, be sure to share a photo of it with us on IG or in an email to marketing@kabak.com.pl! :)